At about 0900 this morning, I kissed my wife goodbye. She had already packed her bags last night,...and this morning she rode off to another part of Germany. She left me. Alone, to fend for myself. Now of course, she didn't leave forever, just for 5 days. So here's my challenge though. I am to some how to manage myself for 5 days in a kitchen that is filled with all sorts of after 5 years, very foreign to me. I am left to a bathroom, with a German LG Washer/Dryer...that I have no idea what I am doing. Will I make it out alive? Its just a 4 day work week in Germany, so I might manage.
Today's lunch special: Leftovers #1, a blend of leftover chili and Caribbean Shrimp, it might be good I am sleeping alone.
Tonight's special: Leftovers #2, a blend of leftover chili with a lovely Chicken Casserole dish, (date time stamp on the Casserole is questionable). Let's see if the ole appendix is still working.
It's true. I managed 28 years as a single bachelor. I made the DiGiornos. I hung around late after church fellowships to scavenge the leftovers for take homes, and I rarely took food home from restaurants that I didn't heat in the microwave the next morning. I don't want to say, that my wife is just a cook or laundry detail servant. She's not. But, I know that I can't go back to a life that once thought was delightfully 'independent.'
Man, he's not good alone. The first malediction in the Bible. (negative phrase). I am pretty sure that applies to more than just Adam, but to humanity itself. Thus, a woman's role is pretty secure...we need your assistance according to God's Word.
Oh how foolish men's pride shrouds the caregiver/provision/compliment that God places only inches away from our noses.
Today's lunch special: Leftovers #1, a blend of leftover chili and Caribbean Shrimp, it might be good I am sleeping alone.
Tonight's special: Leftovers #2, a blend of leftover chili with a lovely Chicken Casserole dish, (date time stamp on the Casserole is questionable). Let's see if the ole appendix is still working.
It's true. I managed 28 years as a single bachelor. I made the DiGiornos. I hung around late after church fellowships to scavenge the leftovers for take homes, and I rarely took food home from restaurants that I didn't heat in the microwave the next morning. I don't want to say, that my wife is just a cook or laundry detail servant. She's not. But, I know that I can't go back to a life that once thought was delightfully 'independent.'
Man, he's not good alone. The first malediction in the Bible. (negative phrase). I am pretty sure that applies to more than just Adam, but to humanity itself. Thus, a woman's role is pretty secure...we need your assistance according to God's Word.
Oh how foolish men's pride shrouds the caregiver/provision/compliment that God places only inches away from our noses.
I actually LOL'd to myself here in the S3 shop when you said it's good you'll be sleeping alone.