I think seminary brainwashed me. I can't go 30 days without wanting to log on to Christian Book Distributors or Crossway, or any other book distributors and purchase six or seven books to add to my library. This happens just about every month or two. I have done an exceptional job since my return from Iraq, but now I get the urge a great deal, every time someone wants me to preach.
Of course the books are mostly theology books and biographies about theologians, so I am quite narrowed focused on my reading, but that doesn't hamper this habit at all. Just recently, I purchased about nine books. Which leads me to a transition in my blog. The book I am currently pressing towards is the biography on Whitfield.
I can barely put it down. If I am not getting stomped by some punk-kid on XBOX LIVE on Madden 09, I am sailing the oceans to Georgia in my Whitfield Biography. Despite my previous habits of buying books and more books, sometimes without ever reading them, I have placed all my current reads on my desk beside the bed, and can manage my reading through the week, as I finish the stack.
So, my blogs for the upcoming weeks will be laced and speckled with what I am learning about this man, called, "George Whitfield".
Bottomline: I feel that I have come to a point in my life where I desperately need to control my radical spending habits in the world of books. Just not buying them or giving myself an allowance seems juvenile or missing the point. I do believe at the root of it is PRIDE. I long to be as smart as so many of the people around me, and thus if I amass a large library, maybe they will think I have read them all, and thus I am UBER intelligent. I think, enjoying what I have and savoring my new additions will make me greatly appreciate what I learn versus always feeling I must ADD ON to what I have. I hope this makes sense...I feel like this is a huge problem in my life. Please pray for me.
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