Yes, I do think its appropriate to praise my wife when she makes a hallmark moment in the kitchen. For those of you have not had Creme Brulee, I invite you to stop by the Craven's residence sometime soon and let your taste buds find utter ecstasy.
Jessica's Birthday was this past Sunday, and I decided to add to her kitchen collection with some Ramekins by Le Creuset, just 4 little white ones. These would be for our 'special' dessert nights only. Little did I know I would be greatly surprised tonight as she brought out the Grand Finale, as we watched the seeming 100th Episode of the 'The Office' marathon.
Creme Brulee, described by a Army Chaplain, who has ZERO kitchen skills, is a dish...that consist of a very rich vanilla pudding with vanilla beans, served cool,...with the top of the dish covered in vanilla sugar which is caramelized with a blow torch, SWEET!
I have learned a few things about this life that I have to live, and that is proper praise at the proper time. Tonight was one of those moments. To hold a very special dish, and see that she had labored on a brand new recipe and scored an A+, duly deserves praise.
Bottomline: Men, its quite simple. Praise your wife. They should be nestled in your praise and adoration. Your best security in your marriage is the adoration of your spouse. Make it count, be specific, and use volume.
Jessica, are my award-winning chef tonight!
she has a blow torch....I'm so jealous!!! and Le Creuset ramekins, not the cheap "corningware" ones....well done to both of you! If you could just ship some of that creme brulee my way, that would be awesome!