Enjoy all the links! My treat today!
How could I possibly be the "Reformed Chaplain" without a taking the time today to mention the obvious. Its Reformation Sunday, the last Sunday in October to commemorate Martin Luther's 95 Theses that was nailed on the Wittenburg Church door, on October 31, 1517.
His protesting of the several Catholic Church problems that he wished would be 'reformed'. Yet, after such a stance was dutifully challenged by Rome on several accounts finally leading him to the Diet of Worms, about 30 kms from here, where I will celebrate the 31st of October with my wife on, "Reformation Day". Very exciting.
Protestants need to faithfully recognize their church history. Its almost sad to talk to anyone in the local church in regards to denominational heritage. Most people have no clue why they are such and such denomination, or even some basic tenets that separate themselves from other faith groups. I think this boils back to the lack of church leadership taking on the development of teaching the congregation more than just how to 'streamline' their classrooms or coordinate more meaningful cell groups. I think most of our leadership needs to take the time and focus the churches attention on learning some heritage, that may help it from falling back into new/old heresies or false teachings in the upcoming future.
Take the time and read a little on your Church Fathers. I highly recommend a book called, 101 Christians that every Christian should know.. Go to CHRISTIAN BOOK DISTRIBUTORS, and order a copy today.
Learn some Church History. Watch the acclaimed movie, LUTHER. It is very eye opening for those who have no idea, what I am even talking about. Learn why you are a PROTESTANT!!
Justification By Faith alone, not by some Indulgence or Works or Papal Decree!
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