After blogging for almost a month now, I have learned one thing. Be brief, cut the chase, and cut the fluff out. So, I am making it a goal to hit 250 words or less each blog, so that I don't spend an eternity writing, and you can quickly jump to the next part of your day.
Not just being polite, but if you can't say your point in a few words, do you really have something to say with a lot. I have read quite a great deal of books over the last year, and some of them I think an 'abridged' version would suffice. Definitely the case for some devotionals I read, or sermons I listen to. Get to the point.
So, keeping with my words; and thought for the day: Keep it brief. Maybe I can change the title tomorrow to add the word, "Concise."
Famous quote: "Best to remain quiet and be called a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." ~ Abe Lincoln
Not just being polite, but if you can't say your point in a few words, do you really have something to say with a lot. I have read quite a great deal of books over the last year, and some of them I think an 'abridged' version would suffice. Definitely the case for some devotionals I read, or sermons I listen to. Get to the point.
So, keeping with my words; and thought for the day: Keep it brief. Maybe I can change the title tomorrow to add the word, "Concise."
Famous quote: "Best to remain quiet and be called a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." ~ Abe Lincoln
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