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Day 15, How Fit Are You?

Most people I talk to who are outside of the Army, think that soldiers are some type of super-human physical athletes. It seems we all should be chiseled out Davidic statues, that sling M-60's (or 240s, nowadays) and run around with a company level of ammunition weaved on our bare chest. So, what are the facts?

The typical soldier wakes up everyday around 0600, does Physical Training (PT), which consist of running, sprints, muscle failure (push-ups and sit-ups). This last about 1 to 2 hours depending on training schedule. Every few months we have a Army Personal Fitness Test (APFT), to grade how well you are doing in your PT. Three events to include: push-ups, sit-ups, and 2 mile run. The push-ups and sit-ups are graded by how many you can do in 2 minutes.

So, take the time today, give it a whirl. Set your clock to two minutes and GO!! Mark out a track, and run 2 miles and time yourself. Then grade yourself on the grade below, I have also included how much you should weigh according to our standards.

Note: 60 is passing, 70 is expected, and most soldiers score total of 230-300.
The Army Standards for PT
The Height/Weight Standards

The Bottomline:
Sometimes as Christians we don't want anyone to set a standard that we have to match or to uphold in regards to holiness. We like to maintain the status quo, or look in the mirror and flex and say, "oh yeah, I am ok. Heck, I know so and so, and they are much fatter than I am." The point is simple, the standard has already been set: It is complete and utmost perfection. Jesus Christ is the only human, who achieved a 300, so to speak. He sets our standards in living a godly life. SO, in regards to how you are living in holiness, quit looking at the fat guy besides you to justify your own gluttony. Look to perfection, strive for His Holiness.


  1. Josh, you are crazy! I'm glad you posted this John...I've been looking for something to get back in shape. ACC evaluator told me that I have the potential to get there, but I gotta tone up and lose the belly!'s hoping the Army helps me out! :)


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